Welcome to Fastpay, our online portal!

Fastpay is a one stop site which gives you the ability to make payments on your contract, set up invoicing preferences, view our fee schedule and obtain contract details.

For your convenience, we accept checks or the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.

When utilizing our online portal for payments, please note the following guidelines for use:

  1. Payment for the full amount due is required.  The portal does not have the ability to accept partial payments.  The full payment includes any outstanding late charges or associated fees along with your contract payment. 
  2. Due to system processing, we are not able to accept and post payments the same day.  Therefore, to avoid a late payment, please access Fastpay at least 24 hours ahead of your due date to schedule your payment, as you will not be able to schedule for same day processing.  For same day payment assistance over the phone please contact our Customer Service Department at 800-447-7107.  There will be a convenience fee of $10 assessed for this service.
  3. Financial Pacific reserves the right to disable Fastpay for those customers that exceed our limits for payments returned by your financial institution.  If that occurs upon attempting to make a payment a notification will appear that states “Web payments disabled for this contract, please call Portfolio Services”.


Thank you for utilizing our Fastpay online portal.  If you have any questions or need assistance don’t hesitate to contact us at service@finpac.com or 800-447-7107.